I'm David, an UX designer and EPFL architect living in Switzerland.

About me

Hey, I’m David, some call me Card.

I’m known for my creativity and for asking weird questions around. I love how good stories can influence our minds in spectacular ways. I think thoughtful designs and attention to detail can change the world and improve our lives.

My perseverance and patience are my biggest strengths in bringing good design to any team. I was trained as an architect at EPFL in Switzerland. My love for psychology and digital products then conducted me to UX design, which I studied with professional certificates and mentors. I have acquired all the essential skills of a designer through my works in architecture, such as project management, collaboration, communication, and visual design skills.

You can easily find me in a coffee place, creating and experimenting in my room or by the lake, taking pictures and drawing abandoned Infrastructures.

I’d love to hear from you!

My core values


Hard work

Good design is not about a good idea but about consistent patience on finding the good problem with the best solution.



I believe honesty and good communication can solve every problem.



I consistently challenge myself to find an original solution that suits the user's needs and storytelling.



Through stress or new challenges, I do not lose my focus.


Team work

My experience has led me to adapt myself to different multi-cultural teams with different perspectives.



Through a patient research, I aim to obtain the best result.

My work skills

UX/UI Design

Visual design

User research




Me and what I enjoy

Interested in working together?
Get in touch.